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The Lake Union Herald

Address Label Changes / Updates

This location is not for NEW subscriptions - only changes in existing subscriptions. We receive the names and addresses for new subscriptions from the conference clerks, who receive information about new members from the church clerks after membership has been voted by the local church. If you your membership has been voted but you are not receiving the Lake Union Herald, check with your church clerk to be sure your name and address have been sent to your local conference clerk.

Current address label:

Please fill in the information exactly as it appears on your current address label.
: :

Address as listed on label:
Current Name:
Current Address 1:
Current Address 2:
Current City:
Current State:
Current ZIP: -
Please enter your email address:

Select from this list the type of change you wish to make:

Simple Change. This will allow spelling corrections, and address updates.
Household Change. This will allow combinations or splits to address labels.
Cancel Subscription. This will remove you from the publication mailing list.

IP Addresses are logged for security.

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