Hope for Our Day", "Lake Union Herald", "Herald"); return str_replace($toItal, $newItal, $hopev); } ?> Lake Union Herald - Editorial Schedule

Lake Union Herald 2004 Editorial Schedule

\n\n"; print "

<< Return"; print " | Complete Schedule"; print " | Deadlines"; print " | (This page is printer-friendly)

"; ?> $row[month]"; if ($row['year'] != 2004){ print " $row[year]"; } print " Editorial Schedule"; print "

Deadline: $row[deadline]

"; ?> \n\t\n"; print "\t\n"; } ?> \n\t\n\t\n\t"; print "\n\n"; } ?> \n\t\n\t\n\t"; print "\n\n"; } ?> \n\t\n"; } @ mysql_free_result($result); ?>


" . ital_H($row['focus']); if ($row['des']) { print ":"; } print " "; print ital_H($row['des']); ?>

\n\t\t"; print "





Profiles of Youth:

Special Days:

"; print substr($row['month'], 0, 3); if (strlen($row['month']) > 3) { print "."; } print " " . $daydate . " " . $row['dayd'.$i] . "

Special Offerings:

"; print substr($row['month'], 0, 3); if (strlen($row['month']) > 3) { print "."; } print " " . $offdate . " " . $row['offd'.$i] . "
There's no information for month you selected."; } } else { if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['deadlines'])) { print "

- Please select a month from the list above -

"; print "\n
Note: Deadlines listed are for materials to reach local conference
"; include('hercontent.php'); } else { include('deadlines.php'); } } @ mysql_free_result($resultlist); include('../ad/herbot.php'); ?>

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