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Volunteers: Vital Contributors to Adventist Hospitals

(from the July 2003 issue)

by Lynn Larson

Hinsdale Hospital volunteers
Hinsdale Hospital volunteers enjoy recognition during an annual appreciation celebration.

The roots of Adventist Health System Midwest Region's volunteer program can be traced to a frightening and tragic time. In 1949, a polio epidemic was declared in Chicago, and it was spreading to the suburbs. Only one facility in the western suburbs and one of four hospitals in all of Chicago—Hinsdale Hospital, or as it was called at that time, Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital—could treat acute cases of polio.

During the epidemic, needs were dire, and people in the community became involved. Hinsdale residents Eugene and Virginia Kettering stepped forward as superb leaders. The couple donated the latest equipment to help combat polio and other contagious diseases.

Virginia Kettering provided a shining example of volunteerism, and her efforts became a model for today's active and vital volunteer program. In 1952, the Ketterings and the core group of residents who had helped during the polio epidemic launched a volunteer program at Hinsdale Hospital.

"Volunteers today serve as escorts, chaplains, and greeters; they transport carts, deliver the mail, offer crafts and activities to pediatric patients; sew pillows; and add value to every other hospital service that exists," says Sher Fox, volunteer coordinator at Hinsdale Hospital. "You can't put a dollar figure on the good will that they create with their contributions."

At Hinsdale Hospital, volunteers raise funds for scholarships for graduating teen volunteers known as candy stripers. The volunteer board also donates sleepers, undershirts, and a blanket to any newborn in need; a bowl of fruit daily for families in the surgical waiting room; and periodically makes contributions to the hospital, such as an outdoor seating area or artwork displayed in the registration area.

Brinsley Lewis and Rose Saeli
Brinsley Lewis, GlenOaks Hospital CEO, congratulates Rose Saeli in recognition of her 15,905 hours of volunteer service.

Volunteers come to Hinsdale, La Grange Memorial, and GlenOaks Hospitals with a number of motivations. "Some give out of the fullness of their lives," says Sher, "while others give out of the emptiness of their lives and ask only that we keep them busy. Both motivations are healthy and honorable."

The profile of a hospital volunteer is as diverse as the more than 500 volunteers in the Adventist Health System Midwest Region. Some work a few hours a week, several days a week or monthly. They help on weekends and holidays. Some volunteers work in more than one area. Others like to work in areas of their expertise, such as merchandising for the gift shop. Most serve wherever needed. They range in age from teenagers to 90-year-olds.

Gone are the days when homemakers made up the main pool of volunteers. The volunteers are diversified and include retired professionals, physicians, business owners, engineers, married couples, employees, and former village officials. One volunteer is blind and another comes only to portray Santa during the busy holidays.

Some volunteers help with therapeutic recreation or on nursing units. Some volunteers have gone on to become nurses. Former heart patients give back to other heart patients through weekly visits to encourage and outline what lies ahead in their rehabilitation.

Volunteers provide vital help to patients and staff. The volunteer program has branched out to each of the region's facilities, and administration is very appreciative of their commitment and contributions.

Lynn Larson is Adventist Health System Midwest Region's Lake Union Herald correspondent.


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